
1993 - 1992 ribbon


Larissa and her coaches chossed a funny and childish version of the traditional Ukrainian folk song "Ti zh mene pidmanula". It begins with a slow piano music while Larissa is doing some movements of the ribbon with her legs and she finally takes the stick with the left hand and does a wonderful front split balance and turns into an arching one. The music starts to be fast and she does an original atittude spin and some spirals with an unusual catch of the stick. Larissa catches the end of the ribbon and do some turns till she arrives at a corner of the carpet. There, she moves the ribbon at the same time she moves up and down her leg as if she were a bell, and there, she does a side split balance. The she does a serie of 2 leaps using the ribbon with the left hand. You will see, she uses the ribbon with both hands half and half of the routine showing her wonderfull apparatus handling. The most original element of this routine is when she throws the ribbon over the floor, stays with the end of the ribbon caught, and catches the stick by pulling the ribbon some times till the stick if near and behind her and she does an arching element to get the stick. She continues with a side split spin and another serie of leaps, this time 3 split en tournent leaps and a throw under a simple split leap followed by a roll and catches the ribbon on the floor. Larissa stands up and when the music gets a bit slower, she does some fouettes following it of a side grand ecart balance. To end the routine with risk, she throws the ribbon, does a serie of 2 rolls and when she catches it she kick the stick with her foot, catches the ribbon and throws it backwards her back, she has the end of the ribbon caught, does 2 turns and pulls it doing a boomerang. This routine is loved and recognized as one of the best ribbon routines ever where you can see one of the best technique handling the apparatus.

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